Iran announced with a date! ‘2 million unauthorized foreign nationals to be deported’

Iran announced with a date 2 million unauthorized foreign nationals

Brigadier General Ahmed Reza Radan, Commander of the Iranian Security Organization, made a statement to the Young Journalists Club (YJC), which broadcasts on state television, regarding the irregular immigration problem in the country.


Stating that they are trying to take measures against the irregular immigration problem in the country with the Ministry of Interior and other relevant institutions, Radan said, “We will deport a significant number of unauthorized foreign nationals who are in the country illegally by the end of this year (March 2025 according to the Iranian calendar).”


Radan stated that the number of irregular immigrants in the country has been determined and that this should be announced by the Ministry of Interior, adding, “This year, approximately 2 million unauthorized foreign nationals will be deported from the country.”

The Afghan refugee flow to Iran, which began after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, has continued for nearly 42 years due to the US occupation, civil wars and instability. In recent years in particular, there has been a significant influx of irregular migrants from Afghanistan, where security, political and economic problems have been experienced. Iranian authorities state that, according to unofficial data, there are approximately 5 million Afghans in the country, many of whom are irregular migrants.

Former Interior Minister Ahmed Vahidi said in October 2023, “Illegal immigrants must leave the country. We also need a stronger mechanism to deal with immigrants who are sent back and then return to our country.”

President Masoud Pezeshkian also said during his election campaign that irregular immigrants caused serious social damage in the country, such as drugs and employment, and that they would solve this problem.


On the other hand, Iran has begun building a 930-kilometer-long wall on the country’s eastern border with Afghanistan.

Interior Minister Iskender Mumini said in a statement on September 6 that irregular immigrants in the country were causing many problems and that they would be deported as soon as possible.

Source: AAThis content was published by Recep Demircan
