Iran and Sweden exchange prisoners – Swedish diplomat Johan Floderus returns home | News in brief

According to the Swedish Prime Minister, diplomat Johan Floderus and Swedish-Iranian Saed Azizi will return to Sweden. In return, Sweden will hand over Hamid Noury ​​to Iran.

Sweden and Iran have agreed on a prisoner exchange, the Swede Aftonbladet tells.

According to the media, the prisoner exchange takes place in Oman.

Prime Minister of Sweden Ulf Kristersson said on Saturday that the diplomat captured in Iran Johan Floderus and Swedish-Iranian Saed Azizi return to Sweden.

Azizi was sentenced to five years in prison in Iran. Floderus was threatened with the death penalty in Iran for spying for Israel.

In return, Sweden hands over to Iran by Hamid Noury.

Iran said on Saturday that former Iranian official Noury, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in Sweden, has been released. He will return to Iran in connection with the prisoner exchange.

Hamid Nourywho was illegally imprisoned in Sweden in 2019, is now free and will return to the country in a few hours, head of the Iranian Human Rights Council Kazem Gharibabadi wrote in X.

Source: AFP
