iPhone 14: new features, price, release date… The first info

iPhone 14 new features price release date The first info

IPHONE 14. Expected for the end of 2022, the iPhone 14 range is beginning to reveal itself through leaks and rumors on the web. Discover our summary of the various new features that could well impact the future iPhone 14.

The iPhone 14 is not yet available that it is already much talked about. After a range of iPhones without major new features released at the end of 2012, Apple is eagerly awaiting its next iPhone 14. If no official announcement is yet available about the next spearhead of the firm at Apple, several leaks already make it possible to anticipate Apple’s strategy for its next smartphone.

Among the most popular information about the iPhone 14 is a design change. Since the latter has not changed for the most part for a few generations, it would not be surprising if Apple upsets the habits of its range of smartphones a little with a revised design. We are talking in particular about the notch located on the front of the iPhone 14, but also about the photo sensors, which would no longer protrude from the device.

If Apple decides to announce the new iPhone 14, it should be revealed to the general public towards the end of 2022. Pending a conference Apple Keynote official, we invite you to find all the leaks and first information already available about the iPhone 14.

At present, no release date for the iPhone 14 has been officially confirmed by Apple. However, it is not too difficult to plan ahead, the firm having had a very established schedule for several years. Traditionally, Apple has two major conferences per year. The first, called WWDC, is primarily intended to present new software such as new updates for the operating systems that equip your Apple devices. It is also during these conferences that the next versions of iOS are unveiled, as was the case in June 2021 with iOS 15.

The second conference is the one that interests us here. Apple’s traditional end-of-year Keynote allows the manufacturer to unveil its new upcoming products. The main star of these conferences is always the new iPhone. We can therefore already imagine that the iPhone 14 will be unveiled in the middle of Septemberfor release in the following days.

Apple was able to create a surprise in 2021 by unveiling a variety of different iPhone 13 whose characteristics seemed a bit superior to those of its predecessor, while keeping the same price list. If the firm decides to maintain this momentum, it may well be that the next range of iPhone 14 also has the same prices, namely:

  • iPhone 14: from 909 euros.
  • iPhone 14 mini: from 809 euros.
  • iPhone 14 Pro: from 1159 euros.
  • iPhone 14 Pro Max: from 1259 euros.

Information to be taken with a grain of salt, since according to the tech specialist Mark Gurman, Apple could well upset its range of devices for 2022, by doing away with the mini model. While waiting for further information, it is still possible to benefit from the previous iPhone 13, the first promotions of which should arrive soon.

This is one of the many unanswered questions regarding the upcoming iPhone 14. As a reminder, theiPhone 12 mini had achieved very disappointing sales for Apple, despite good performance and a very practical small size. The firm nevertheless tried again by unveiling in September 2020 a new iPhone 13 mini whose ambitions remained the same as on the previous generation: to offer a classic iPhone in a reduced model and at a more affordable price. We will therefore have to wait to see if the public is more seduced by this new version compared to the previous one.

According to specialist journalist Mark Gurman from Bloomberg, Apple is studying the idea of ​​​​offering four different iPhone 14 models again for 2022. The firm, however, would skip a mini version and present another more high-end model instead. : the iPhone 14 Max, which would be between the classic 14 and the 14 Pro.

Barring a real surprise, it would be surprising if Apple did not unveil a new iPhone 14 Pro Max by September 2022. These very high-end, even premium, models initiated with the iPhone 11 Pro Max, allow you to take advantage of all of Apple’s cutting-edge technology for an optimal experience on a smartphone from the brand. As a reminder, the iPhone 13 Pro Max notably had an additional photo sensor dedicated to the telephoto lens, a larger size, and an unprecedented storage capacity of 1 TB. According to several journalists and specialized insiders, Apple would try the same strategy in 2022, by offering a new iPhone 14 Pro Max with ultra-performance characteristics.

Although it’s still a bit too early to tell on the future features of the iPhone 14, the leaks are already starting to arrive! Several journalists and insiders like Jon Prosser specify that Apple would (finally) remove the upper notch on the front of the phone, replacing it with a simple hole that would be used for the sensor of the selfie module. A news that will delight many consumers of Apple, which remains one of the few manufacturers to still have a large panel for its photo sensors on the front of the device.

We’re also expecting news of Touch ID, the fingerprint unlocking technology that Apple ditched years ago in favor of Face ID. While many Android manufacturers now offer an unlocking system directly integrated under the screen, Apple has been working on this technology for some time without achieving a suitable result. We will have to see if the firm manages to integrate this into the iPhone 14 or if we will have to wait a little longer to see Touch ID again on an Apple smartphone.
