iOS 17.5.1 is released, solving the bug that brought back old photos

Apple may create a special App Store for Europe

It solved the error that brought back old photos and therefore surprised many people. iOS 17.5.1 update is out.

For the recently released iOS 17.5.1 update, Apple briefly stated the following: This update provides important bug fixes and ensures that photos that experience database corruption will still be deleted. Fixes a rare issue that caused them to reappear in the Photos library.So what exactly was this incident? Due to that error that occurred with iOS 17.5, some photos deleted years ago started to come back directly to the devices. It was stated that within the scope of this problem, there are photos/images that go back even from 2021 and are suddenly seen at the end of the photo gallery. Then the situation became even more worrying. The iOS 17.5 update revealed an even bigger problem for some, according to news last week. The iOS 17.5 update has started to bring back old photos on devices that were reset and sold for some people.

The official statement from Apple for the iOS 17.5 update was as follows:

Lock Screen

  • -A new Pride Ray wallpaper for the lock screen to honor the LGBTQ+ community and culture

Tracking Notifications

  • -Cross-Platform Tracking Detection sends a notification to the user, regardless of the operating system it is paired with, if a compatible Bluetooth tracker that does not belong to the user is moving with the user

Some features may not be available in all regions or on all Apple devices. For information about the security content of Apple software updates, please go to the following website:

