iOS 16.1 Features Released! – Cepholic

Apple recently announced that it will release the latest iOS 16 operating system for iPhones, which comes with a major redesign along with new features and functionality. The company confirmed that it will skip version 16 and release version 16.1 directly, and stated that it will be called iPadOS 16.1, not 16.

Famous technology giant Apple released iOS 16.1 with iPadOS 16 and macOS Ventura this evening, this version, which includes more than one feature, came up with a lot of innovations.

iOS 16.1 Release Notes

Memory Issues

  • The system memory allocator free operation resets all released blocks in iOS 16.1 beta or later. Invalid accesses to free memory can cause new crashes or corruption, including:
  • Free post-read errors that previously observed the old content of a block can now observe zeros instead.
  • Use Address Sanitizer and Guard Mallo to debug these issues.


  • Added Matter, the new smart home connectivity standard that enables many smart home accessories to work together across multiple ecosystems


  • Shared edits and permissions allow anyone to add, edit, favorite, caption, and delete photos.
  • The sharing option in Camera allows you to choose to send the photos you have taken directly to the Shared Archive or to activate the automatic sharing setting when other participants are detected nearby using Bluetooth.

Problems Solved

  • Fixed an issue where restoring processes would not prompt for authentication or restore any action if there was no App Store account signed in.
  • Fixed an issue where purchasing or restoring in-app transactions with found content would prevent new purchases or restores from being processed.

iPadOS 16.1 Coming October 24 – All Details
