IOC member Sari Essayah, a Finnish member of the IOC, is ready to take drastic measures to prevent a recurrence of the Valijeva incident – the sport can even be excluded from the Olympics

IOC member Sari Essayah a Finnish member of the IOC

Figure skater Kamila Valijeva’s background forces will receive a full sentence from the International Olympic Committee. Sari Essayah, a Finnish member of the IOC, says that the recent change in the rules will even make it possible to exclude the sport from the Olympics.

Finnish member of the International Olympic Committee Sari Essayah condemns 15-year-old Russian figure skater Kamila Valijevan coaching activities at the Olympics.

The execution of Valijeva’s free program on suspicion of doping on Thursday showed great pressure that erupted into tears in the athlete after the race.

– Why did you give up, why did you stop fighting? Coach of the electorate Ether Etherberidze asked when the athlete was clearly in an anxious state after the race. The Russian teen placed fourth in the race.

Tutberidze’s protective caps have quickly risen to the top, but with tremendous success there has been a tough price. For example Alina Zagitova won gold at Pyeongchang at the age of 15 four years ago.

Zagitova was left with an indefinite period of competition only a couple of years after her Olympic victory due to severe injuries and mental exhaustion.

See Valijeva’s free program below.

Sari Essayah, who has been a member of the IOC since 2016, condemns the Russian coach’s behavior after the free program.

What does it say about Russian coaching culture in general?

– This is definitely about the coach and his methods. Valijeva is not the first 15-year-old to be under a lot of pressure. These types of cases are highlighted in that coach’s stable.

Can this be addressed in any way?

– This violates the ethical principles of sport, how an athlete should be treated and especially when it comes to a child. I think the International Figure Skating Federation is under a lot of pressure to think, is the age limit of 15 right?

– It seems to be leading to the fact that younger and younger people are being required to perform more wildly. This has become a jumping machine race. It is not good for the species. Now we have to start thinking about what the right age limit is.

According to Essayah, a similar age limit discussion is taking place in the IOC, including skateboarding. At the Tokyo Summer Games, the 14-year-old won gold.

– The Olympics are a competition for adults, young adults. Then there are the separate World Championships for young people.

Essayah thinks figure skating as a sport now has to rethink scoring.

What kind of collision is this treatment of Valijeva for the IOC? When did this come up at the Olympics?

– International sports federations are above all responsible for their own sport and rules. The IOC cannot directly intervene. Perhaps the Olympic movement can help sports with unhealthy practices in the longer term.

Ultimately, the sport can be excluded from the Olympics

Essayah, for example, takes a modern 5-match game that has featured abused horses. The future of the sport at the Olympics is under discussion. A similar situation includes boxing, which could fall from the Paris 2024 Summer Games.

What is the way to make an impact?

– Last summer, a change was made to the rules in the Olympic Movement in Tokyo, which allows international sports federations to ultimately intervene by threatening to exclude the sport from the Olympics.

– Weightlifting, boxing and the modern 5-match are under scrutiny. It is very possible that if things do not improve, these species will not be seen in Paris.

If similar cases of treatment of a young athlete arise in the Olympics in the future, is it possible to make one punishable?

– We have to start with what is the image of a person in sports. Efforts must be made to ensure that international sports federations and national Olympic committees have the right ethical guidelines. The IOC provides funding for coach training to sports federations to ensure that ethical guidelines are followed.

Bach: Chilling to watch

Chairman of the IOC Thomas Bachin thought the coach’s performance was “chilling” to watch.

– When I saw in retrospect how his support troops received him after the performance, it was chilling. His condition seemed to be going even worse because the coach’s gesture was dismissive, Bach tells Reuters.

Valijeva’s doping case has been the biggest topic of figure skating in Beijing. The 15-year-old figure skater was allowed to compete despite a suspicion of doping, in part because he is under 16 years old.

Bach said he felt bad watching the performance of the young Russian super talent.

– I was able to feel that he was going through a huge amount of mental stress. Maybe he just wanted to leave.

The IOC discussed the use of the coach and the activities of the support forces at its meeting. Compared to Essayah, Bach’s comments on the IOC’s means of influence remained subdued.

– We have very limited means to intervene. We are not a police officer, we cannot interrogate.

The International Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has announced that it will launch an investigation into the activities of Valijeva’s support forces. These include a doctor from a figure skating team Filipp Shvetskywhich has previously been banned from competing because of its doping athletes.
