Invitation to Kim for a historic visit! People who saw Putin filled the streets: Images from North Korea that will talk about the world

Invitation to Kim for a historic visit People who saw

Russian President Putin came to North Korea again after 24 years, and naturally there was intense public interest. The images captured on camera during the meeting that talked about the world also made a splash. An invitation also came from Putin to Kim.

Putin started his contacts with North Korean President Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, where he arrived last night upon invitation. Putin greeted the people of North Korea with an official ceremony at Kim II-Sung Square this morning.


While Putin’s photographs were seen hanging in the square, the two leaders attended the parade in an open-top vehicle during the ceremony to greet the public.



It was stated that after the ceremony, the two leaders attended the meeting with the delegations. Speaking during the part of the meeting open to the press, Putin touched on the relations between Russia and North Korea and said, “Russia and North Korea have been linked by solid friendship and good neighborly relations for years. The interaction between our countries is based on the principles of equality and mutual respect for each other’s interests.” said.


Putin said, “We value your consistent and unwavering support for Russian policy, including the Ukraine issue. Here I mean our fight against the hegemonic and expansionist policy that the United States and its allies have been trying to impose on Russia for years.” he said.

Stating that a document has been prepared that will expand the relations between the two countries, Putin expressed his hope that the meeting with Kim would be productive.


Putin invited North Korean leader Kim to Moscow.



North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un also pointed out the importance of his meeting with Putin and said, “The relations between our countries have entered a period of highest development and are of strategic importance. The relations between our countries have entered a period of high prosperity that is incomparable even with the period of Korean-Soviet relations in the last century.” shared his knowledge.


Expressing their support for Russia’s foreign policy, Kim said, “The North Korean government appreciates the important mission and role of the powerful Russian Federation in maintaining strategic stability and balance in the world, and the Russian government, army and people are committed to protecting the country’s sovereignty, security interests and territorial integrity.” “We support the implementation of the special military operation in Ukraine for this purpose,” he said.

Stating that the situation in the world is changing and becoming increasingly difficult, Kim said, “In this case, we aim to further strengthen our strategic bond with Russia and the Russian administration. Moreover, we will support Russia’s policies completely unconditionally.” He said his words.


(AA-DHA)This content was published by Hazar Saygın.

