Chest Diseases Specialist Barış Mustafa Poyraz, drawing attention to the effects of desert dust on health, made statements about the methods of protection. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Poyraz said, “These small dust particles can cause temporary disorders even in healthy individuals, while people with chronic respiratory tract disease such as asthma, COPD, bronchitis may cause serious attacks.
These symptoms may increase
During this period, symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest, coughing and wheezing may increase. Do not go out unless you have to. Especially early in the morning and afternoon, air pollution can be more intense. Avoid walking outdoors or doing sports.
If you need to go out, choose particle -holding masks such as FFP2 or FFP3. If you do not have access to such masks, at least use a surgical mask or try to filter the air you breathe by closing your mouth and nose with a clean, damp cloth. ”
‘Prefer air filter systems instead of opening a window at home’
Emphasizing that care should be careful in the home environment. Poyraz said, ın Even the home environments that we think the weather is cleaner may be affected by desert dust due to open windows. Minimize the house ventilation during this period and if possible, take advantage of HEPA filter air cleaners. Take care not to dry the laundry outside because the desert dust can be placed on the clothes.
It threatens health
Desert dusts threaten not only the lungs but also general health. These particles may be involved in bloodstream, causing vascular stiffness, blood pressure imbalances and an increase in the risk of heart attack. Especially older individuals, children and those with chronic diseases should be more careful during these periods.
Health complaints due to desert dust are sometimes ignored. If the symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough, burning in the throat and sinking in the eyes are increasing, a health institution should be consulted. Those with chronic illness should not interrupt their medication, should not neglect their regular controls ”.