Investments for 23 billion in 10 years: Terna presents development plan 2025-2034

Investments for 23 billion in 10 years Terna presents development

(Finance) – Over 23 billion euros of investments in the next ten years to encourage the integration of renewable sources and increase the network transport capacity. Triad presents in Rome the Development plan 2025-2034.

The development plan, as explained by the CEO and General Manager of Terna, Giuseppina di Foggia“he responds to the urgent needs that the current context imposes”, in fact in line with the targets defined by Integrated national plan for energy and climate 2024declined in the document description of the 2024 Terna-Snam scenarios, “investing in planning, modernization and digitalization of electrical networks is in fact essential to cope with the growing demand for energy and the integration of renewable sources. An adequate and interconnected transmission network, together with the current legislative measures and incentive tools, is the qualifying factor to reach the targets provided for by the National Plan for Energy and the Climate to 2030. The start of the construction phase of our main electrical infrastructures, such as the Tyrrhenian Link, the Adriatic Link and the connection between Sardinia, Corsica and Tuscany, confirms the commitment of Terna in managing the transition to manage the transition Energy of the country – added the CEO of Terna – the requests for the connection of renewable systems, of storage systems and, more and more in recent months, of data center, are constantly increasing. To face the risk of virtual saturation of the network and to help maintain the attractiveness of the country for investors, including international ones, we have adopted a new territorial programming process of our infrastructure “.

Terna’s interventions present in the development plan 2025 will allow a significant increase in the energy exchange capacity between market areas, reaching about 39 GW Compared to the current 16 GW, with an increase of 22% compared to the previous floor. In addition, the plan aims at the increase in transport capacity with abroad of about the 40% Compared to current values, considering all the works included in the plan even beyond the ten -year horizon, thanks to the future electrical interconnection projects that will increase the reliability and safety of the network.

By 2030, thanks to the interventions included in the Plan, an overall reduction of the CO2 emissions Up to about 2,000 kt/year, and up to 12,100 kt/year by 2040; The latter represents an improvement of 2.5% compared to the previous development plan.

Develop enabling and innovative infrastructures, resolve local congestions, respond efficiently to all requests for connection to the network through the definition of a new model and guarantee the stability and safety of the electrical network and the integration of the markets through the interconnections with the extension: these are the interventions provided by the plan. Considering the complex and challenging electric context, Terna has carried out an important activity of defining the development priorities, exceling the interventions that offer maximum value for the system.

The majority of the interventions envisaged in operation by 2030 has obtained the authorization or is already being authorized. These include the company’s main infrastructure works: such as the Tyrrhenian Link: the 500 kV submarine HVDC connection that will combine Sicily with Campania and Sardinia; Adriatic Link: the HVDC connection between Abruzzo and 1,000 MW brands of about 250 km long power, of which 210 km underwater; Bolano-Annunziata: authorized in September 2024, the 380 kV alternating underwater electrode that will combine Sicily and Calabria and increase the interconnection capacity between Sicily and the continent up to 2,000 MW, for the benefit of the development and integration of renewable sources foreseen in southern Italy; Colunga-Calenzano: 380 kV electrode which winds 84 km between the provinces of Bologna and Florence; Milan-Montalto: continuous electrodet with a maximum voltage of 525 kV and a capacity of 2,100 MW that will connect Lazio and Lombardy, passing through Tuscany, Liguria and Emilia-Romagna, thanks to a total route of about 500 km, of which a marine and an aerial stretch; Central link: provides for the reconstruction, on the same track, of the 220 kV electrode between Umbria and Tuscany and will connect the electrical stations of Villavalle (Terni) and Santa Barbara (Arezzo); Adriatic dorsal: continuous current connection between Foggia and Forlì which will guarantee the strengthening of the Adriatic corridor, allowing a substantial increase in the exchange capacity; Montecorvino-Benevento: project to create a new 380 kV connection between the areas of Montecorvino and Benevento which provides for the passage to the 380 kV electricity station “Avellino N.” and the adjustment of the 380 kV stations of Montecorvino and Benevento, functional to the construction and exercise of the new electrode.

For its strategic geographical position in the center of the Mediterranean, Italy represents an energy bridge between Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The development plan 2025, therefore, confirms interconnection interventions with abroad in order to guarantee safety, sustainability and efficiency, through the possibility of mutual aid between interconnected systems. Among the main planned projects: project of modernization and enhancement of the current interconnection between Sardinia, Corsica and Tuscany; Helmet: financed with over 300 million euros by the Community Connecting Europe Facility program, the interconnection project between Italy and Tunisia is one of the interventions provided by the Mattei Plan for Africa; Doubling interconnection Italy-Greece: in January 2024 the public consultation was started for the new connection which will be made up of two submarine cables of 250 km and power up to 1,000 MW and two terrestrial cables in continuous current of 50 km that will join the landing of Melendugno, Puglia, at the Greek coast.
