Investigation shows: Tranåswoman is linked to 20 -year -old fires – trial today

Neighbors of the woman have put up a surveillance camera in their window in the apartment because they feel a discomfort after all the fires that have been in the property. The camera gives them some security.

The film is now evidence in the trial of the fires in Tranås last fall. At all fire cases, the woman can be seen leave the home at night and come back a little later.

Burned in the forest near the house

The woman who is now charged with five cases of murder fire has been included in several investigations on fires for 20 years. In the preliminary investigation, the police report on fires that occurred as early as 2004 and 2006 near the woman’s then residence.

When she moves to Tranås in the early 2010s, it starts to burn at the various addresses where the woman currently lives, but it will be until 2022 before she is charged with a fire.

Freed in the absence of evidence

She was then released in the absence of evidence, but the district court notes in her judgment that she was near an unusually large number of fires:

“Without having access to any statistics on the issue, it is obvious that most people do not discover or are close to as many fires as she has been,” the court writes in the judgment from 2022.

Be arrested and prosecuted again

A few months later, a number of fires will once again be built in the woman’s residential building in Tranås. It also starts to burn, on two occasions, at an address in the Jönköping area where her boyfriend lives, while at the same time being there and greeting.

The two are arrested and charged. But not at that trial is she sentenced to arson. However, she received conditional judgment for damage.

“The only conceivable purpose of this action can be nothing but (the woman’s name) is extremely fascinated by being noticed by other people and by different types of police and rescue services, writes the court in the judgment from 2024.”

In police interrogation about the fires she is now charged with in Tranås, the woman denies crime.
