Investigation into Russian war crimes in Germany

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In Germany, the Federal Police Service (BKA) announced that it is conducting an investigation into war crimes that Russia may have committed in Ukraine. It was stated that the investigations were carried out within the framework of hundreds of evidences at hand.

“We have received a triple-digit amount of evidence,” RDA President Holger Münch told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper. Münch emphasized that the targets of the investigations are not only the perpetrators of war crimes, but also the military and political responsible for the crimes in question.

Noting that the BKA evaluated all the available evidence and continues to collect new evidence, Münch said, “We are currently in the most challenging part of our investigations. It is a complex puzzle work.” “Our clear goal is to identify those responsible for these brutal crimes, to prove their acts through our investigations, and to bring them to justice,” said Münch. “Thus, we are preparing for possible cases to be opened in Germany for those responsible for war crimes committed in Ukraine,” said Münch. The BKA President added that we are still at the very beginning of the process.

Münch also noted that the attorney general’s office currently conducts a single investigation, so there is no question of multiple investigations against suspects.

German criminal law makes it possible for those who committed war crimes in other countries to be tried in Germany.

Among the data used by the BKA is material obtained by the German foreign intelligence BND. These include radio conversations with Russian soldiers.

According to United Nations data, more than 4,000 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian occupation on February 24.

AFP,epd/BU, JD
