"Introducing proportional representation would be a pipe dream" : our readers react to the news

quotIntroducing proportional representation would be a pipe dreamquot our

Proportional representation would not change anything

Michel Mondamey, Saint-Chamond (Loire)

Mr Bayrou and Mr Glucksmann, among others, are talking again about introducing proportional representation in legislative elections. However, with this voting method, the election would take place in a single round. In the first round of the legislative elections in July 2024, the RN obtained 29.26% of the votes cast and the Union of the Left 28.06%. Imagining that there could be alliances of other LFI or right-wing parties with the RN to develop a government program is a pipe dream. The situation would then be little different: there would be no greater majority to govern. (“Elysée-Matignon: Macron and chaos”L’Express of August 29.)

The longer our irresponsible politicians wait…

Rene Andron, Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)

“Budget: France is unmanageable”. The cover title of L’Express is worrying because, one way or another, France will have to become manageable again. Simply, time is against us because there is no stable state in the economy. The longer our irresponsible politicians delay, the more they indulge in easy solutions or fanciful programs, the more bitter the potion will be and the less room for maneuver we will have to get back on our feet. And who will pay? Certainly not the “rich”, who are few in number and whose capital knows no borders, but more surely the middle classes, retirees and the population in general (via VAT, for example). As usual… We had a good time glossing over the situation of the Greeks and the Portuguese; we are well on our way to an equally bitter potion. (“The risky bet of a blank year“, L’Express of August 29.)

Republican Guard bonuses

Madeleine Gibon, Saumur (Maine-et-Loire)

The Court of Auditors reveals the existing treatment advantages within the Republican Guard, advantages that you describe in your article. In addition to the (comfortable) basic salaries of these gendarmes, there are bonuses for members of musical groups who can benefit from fees ranging from 800 to 1,400 euros per month! A security company assigned to the Senate can receive bonuses ranging from 2,000 to 42,000 euros! When will we stop distributing taxpayers’ money “in confetti”, when the French currently have a purchasing power that is suffering? (“Republican Guard: not so for me, formidable“, L’Express of August 29.)

Hamas’ Cynicism

Eric Garnier, Villemomble (Seine-Saint-Denis)

Almost a year… On October 7, 2023, the atrocious aggression of Hamas took place, followed by the terrifying revenge of Israel. Hamas knew that Israel would retaliate a hundredfold and cynically sacrificed part of its people. Above all, it gave Netanyahu the “right” to destroy Gaza, a right that he did not dare to dream of. Could Hamas be the co-gravedigger of Palestine? (“A Ceasefire with Hamas Would Be a Victory for Israel, by Graham Allison and Amos Yadlin”on Lexpress.fr)

If women have fewer children…

Dominique Calmels, Millau (Aveyron)

But what kind of world does Julien Damon live in to say that women should take younger partners in order to negotiate roles in the couple? He would do better to ask himself the following questions. Why, as soon as a woman has a child, is she demoted professionally, or even sidelined? Why, in some companies, are they paid less for equal work? Why do some men think that women should do most of the housework and, in addition, take care of the children (even if things are starting to change)? Today, women simply no longer want to work two days in one and prioritize their careers over having children. (“CAF should finance subscriptions to dating sites“, L’Express of August 29.)

Wine fair: follow our guide!

As soon as the school year begins, wine fairs are set up in most major retail chains, at wine merchants and on online stores. After a 2023 edition that was down, both in value – 988 million euros (-2%) – and in volume – 133.5 million bottles purchased (-5%) – this year’s event will be essential for the entire sector, especially in a context of declining purchasing power. To guide you, L’Express presents its exclusive selection based on the different regions on its central pages, the result of tasting hundreds of samples and analyzing dozens of catalogs. On our website, you will also find details, chain by chain, with the different dates of these unmissable wine festivals. Enough to enrich your cellar at a lower cost.
