Intesa Sp, “Let’s give a voice to the impact”: a journey in the Third sector starts from Genoa

Intesa Sanpaolo and Confartigianato Lazio together for the relaunch of

(Finance) – Part on March 13 from Genoa the road show of Intesa Sanpaolo “Let’s give a voice to the impact”, dedicated to third sector companies. During the 12 stages, which will touch various Italian cities, Andrew Lecce, Head of Impact Management will meet overall 150 realities, Between customers and stakeholders, to listen to the needs of the territories and to share projects and experiences. The tour will end on June 22nd in Milan.

Intesa Sp, given the reference role of the Impact Department for non-profit organizations, further strengthened its support including within its ESG pillar of the 2022-2025 Business Plan support for financial inclusion, through social credit, to develop an economy dedicated to the shared good. With increasingly innovative tools and a constant dialogue through the 600 people who work in the area, it supports the companies of the Third sector in promoting territorial initiatives with the aim of increasing social cohesion, the well-being of individuals and communities and bringing benefits to the environment.

The first beneficiaries of the credit impact – explains the note – they are university students, to whom the Bank has disbursed over 170 million since 2019, and working mothers, who have been granted 6 million since 2021. Finally, during 2022, s270 million euros were disbursed, to over 100,000 third sector entities nationwide. The impact of the Formula program is also significant, with which the bank identifies and supports initiatives throughout Italy every month dedicated to environmental sustainability, social inclusion and access to the job market: in the last two years, over 12 million euros for 70 projects.
