Intesa Sanpaolo, new shareholder plan

Intesa Sanpaolo new shareholder plan

(Finance) – The assembly of Intesa Sanpaolo approved the proposals of the Board of Directors relating to the two Long Term Incentive (LTI) initiatives linked to the new 2022-2025 Business Plan and to the overall results achieved at the end of the Plan: the Performance Share Plan (PSP), a share-based plan aimed at to all the Group’s management, and Lecoip 3.0, on which an agreement was reached overnight
with trade unions. Both were approved by a very large majority, respectively 96.1% and 98.2%.

With these measures, Intesa Sanpaolo confirms its intention to pursue a solid and sustainable creation and distribution of value, high capitalization and a marked ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) connotation.

The new Lecoip 3.0 – explains the bank in a note – is aimed at all people in permanent service (including those with a professionalizing apprenticeship contract) and provides for a minimum appreciation of 4% of the protected capital if the target level is reached. of the KPI (managerial objective) of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), consisting of three indicators identified in the 2022-2025 Business Plan, regardless of the performance of the stock.

THE three indicators are: Environment / Environment: New credit for the green / circular economy and the ecological transition with particular focus on supporting the transition of Corporate / SMEs – weight 40%; Social: Number of people who have successfully completed the re-skilling and up-skilling courses with relocation in the case of the first on landing jobs – weight 40%; Governance: percentage of women in new appointments in senior positions (-1 and -2 organizational levels from the CEO) – weight 20%.

Agreements have also been signed with the trade unions relating to Variable Awards of results for credit staff (PVR 2022) and insurance companies with the provision of a specific “welcome bonus for the 2022-2025 Plan” of 1,300 euros – an increase compared to the Lecoip of the last 2018-2021 Plan – which will be paid available by July 2022 and that colleagues can allocate to Lecoip.

The agreement on the 2022 PVR has provided for an increase in the basic bonus that affects over 36,200 colleagues, confirming the increase of 120 euros for colleagues with RAL up to 35,000 euros and introducing the 75 euros increase for colleagues with RAL between 35,000 and 37,000 euros. , measures also envisaged for people with part-time employment relationships for whom the full-time RAL equivalent will no longer be considered.

The agreements also provide that, unlike in other years, for the branches of the Banca dei Territori division the excellence bonus will be paid to all branches that achieve a scorecard result of at least 100.

The same measures were adopted towards the people of the Group’s insurance companies.
