Intesa Sanpaolo, new agreement with Confindustria: 40 billion euros for Lombard companies

Sustainable growth from Intesa Sanpaolo 12 million euros to Idealservice

(Finance) – The first Lombard stage of the roadshow for the presentation of the new agreement between Confindustria and Intesa Sanpaolo for business growth. An agreement – explains Intesa Sanpaolo in a note – based on the joint path “Competitiveness, Innovation, Sustainability” that you make available over 40 billion euros for Lombard companiesas part of the 150 billion euro of the national ceiling, to promote the evolution of the production system on these three fundamental drivers for growth and in line with the PNRR.

The greetings of the president of the Industrial Union of the province of Varese, Roberto Grassi he was born in Northern Lombardy Regional Director of Intesa Sanpaolo, Gianluigi Venturini which illustrated the contents of the Agreement as well as the first joint initiatives. This was followed by the comment of Giovanni Foresti of the Intesa Sanpaolo Studies and Research Department on the economic scenario of Varese and its province, thus introducing the issues of greatest interest to the local production system, explored in the round table attended by Intesa Sanpaolo Venturini, for Marco Crespi, responsible for credit and financing it, joined together and two company testimonials: Michele Faggioli, chief operating officer & executive director of LU.VE. Spa And Giampietro Pedrazzini CEO of Mazzucchelli 1849 Spa.

The Agreement presented today to the companies of Varese and its province – lasting three years and signed last October by Carlo Bonomi, president of Confindustria, And Carlo Messina, managing director and CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo – focuses on initiatives to support companies in the field of digitization and innovation, strengthening the financial and asset structure, strengthening supply chains and sustainability.

“Our Group confirms and strengthens its attention to the productive fabric of the province of Varese by fielding over 40 billion for Lombard companies, renewing the joint action with Confindustria – underlined Venturini -. Widespread and sustainable growth and structural transformation are key steps in creating a more robust economy. Local businesses, which have shown resilience during the pandemic, today have to face new uncertainties; as a Bank, we are at their side to support them and to encourage investments in environmental and digital transition, enhancing supply chain relationships. The elements underlying this agreement are part of our overall commitment to activate, over the period of the PNRR, medium / long-term disbursements for over 410 billion euros, of which 120 for SMEs “.

“Global value chains – he commented Fat – are flaking and reassembling at an extremely fast pace. According to an analysis by our Research Department, in recent months 48% of local companies are reorganizing their supply of raw materials and semi-finished products on new markets. 24% are looking for alternative outlet markets for their products. The production chains are in turmoil. Phenomena that we must know how to interpret to give the right support tools to companies. The agreement with Intesa Sanpaolo is intended and must also serve this purpose. However, no change is feasible without strengthening the capitalization of our companies. This is also a transformation in which we must be protagonists. The banking system must be, but we companies must be too, by questioning ourselves with new tools and strategies “.

The agreement consolidates and renews the more than ten years of collaboration between Intesa Sanpaolo and Confindustria which, thanks to a synergistic and shared interpretation of the relationship between bank and company, – highlights the note – has strengthened over the last few years. Since 2009, various agreements have been signed based on a wide-ranging industrial policy vision, aimed at making finance and credit strategic components at the service of the competitiveness of the business world. Joint initiatives have made it possible to support tens of thousands of businesses with credit for over 200 billion euros, supporting them in the most critical phases of an ever-changing economic scenario.
