Intesa Sanpaolo Museums: free admission on 7 and 15 August in Milan, Turin, Vicenza and Naples

Intesa Sanpaolo Gallerie dItalia in Miano I Marmi Torlonia Collecting

(Finance) – Monday 15 August Intesa Sanpaolo opens as an exception and with free admission le Galleries of Italy in Milan, Turin, Vicenza and Naples. The free admission has also been confirmed on Sunday 7 August in alignment with the initiative of Ministry of Culture which provides free access to state museums on the first Sundays of the month. The Bank thus offers a new opportunity to visit the Galleries of Italy, in particular the two new museums in Naples and Turin. Numerous the exhibitions in progress: the photography of Paolo Pellegrin and the Publifoto Archive in Turin, Restituzioni in Naples, the marbles of Torlonia and Matthias Schaller in Milan, the creative illustration of Christoph Niemann in Vicenza. Same opening and entry procedures for the Galleria degli Alberti in Prato, recently opened to the public by the Bank, and the Ivan Bruschi House Museum in Arezzo, which has become part of the Intesa Sanpaolo artistic heritage.

At the Gallerie d’Italia – Milan in Piazza Scala, the exhibition I Marmi Torlonia.
Collecting Masterpieces, until 18 September, with 96 marbles from the Torlonia Collection, the most important private collection of classical statuary in the world, analyzes the history of antiquity collecting in Rome from the 15th to the 19th century. Also, the German photographer Matthias Schaller. Until August 28, Das Meisterstuck exhibits nineteen palettes belonging to great painters of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, indirect portraits of the artists and their production. The itineraries dedicated to the permanent collections of the Italian nineteenth and twentieth centuries, From Canova to Boccioni and Cantiere del Novecento, also fall within the free admission.

At the Gallerie d’Italia – Naples, the new headquarters in via Toledo offers an extraordinary “trip to Italy” until 26 September with over 200 works in the Restituzioni exhibition. Fragility and Strength that concludes the 19th edition of the Intesa Sanpaolo program for the restoration of works that are not its own. On display 87 groups of works belonging to 81 proprietary bodies with works by Bellini, Bronzino, Manet, Boccioni, Pellizza da Volpedo. The permanent exhibition itinerary, alongside the From Caravaggio to Gemito itinerary with the new staging of the Martyrdom of Sant’Orsola, offers the Intesa Sanpaolo collection of Attic and Magna Graecia ceramics and the new itinerary dedicated to 20th century art.

To the Gallerie d’Italia – Turin, in Piazza San Carlo, until 4 September, two photographic exhibitions proposed: The fragile wonder. A journey into changing nature tells of Paolo Pellegrin’s investigation into the relationship between man and his natural environment; From the war to the moon 1945-1969. Sguardi dall’Archivio Publifoto Intesa Sanpaolo recounts in 80 photographic shots Italy reborn from the rubble of the Second World War and the boom of the 1960s. On the main floor, in the courtly rooms, works of Piedmontese Baroque art and the nine canvases of the Oratory of the Compagnia di San Paolo with episodes from the life of the Saint are permanently exhibited.

To the Gallerie d’Italia – Vicenza, the Contra ‘Santa Corona, as part of the Illustrious Festival, Illustrissimo. Christoph Niemann, international star of creative illustration – collaborates with the New Yorker, National Geographic, The New York Times Magazine – is exhibiting over 200 works in his first solo show in Italy until 28 August. The permanent collection of the museum dedicated to the eighteenth century Veneto, with paintings by Canaletto, Guardi, Carlevarijs, and the extraordinary Fall of the Rebel Angels – a sculptural group of over sixty figures carved in a single block of Carrara marble – together with the extraordinary collection of Russian icons, one of the most conspicuous and important collections of Russian sacred art existing outside the borders of Russia.

The same opening procedures follow, i.e. free admission on 7 and 15 August, the Alberti Gallery in Prato and the Ivan Bruschi House Museum in Arezzo.

The first exhibits 90 masterpieces exhibits of artists such as Bellini, Caravaggio, Bronzino, Filippo Lippi. Opened in March 2022 by Intesa Sanpaolo, after three years of renovation work on the building owned by the Bank, it returns the important collection that belonged to the Cassa di Risparmio di Prato to public use.

There Ivan Bruschi House Museum in Arezzo it permanently presents the works collected by the antiquarian in a path curated by the Scuola Normale di Pisa. The exhibition of paintings and drawings by the Arezzo painter Pietro Benvenuti, protagonist of the international art scene during Neoclassicism, is also underway until 23 October.
