Intesa Sanpaolo, information on the buy-back program

Intesa Sanpaolo information on the buy back program

(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaoloin relation to the execution of the buyback program for the cancellation (buyback) communicated to the market on June 24, 2022 and launched on July 4, 2022, announced that it had purchasedfrom 11 to 15 July 2022, overall 104,500,000 treasury sharesequal to approximately 0.52% of the share capital, at an average purchase price per share of € 1.6776, for a countervalue total of 175,312,900.00 euros.

At 15 July 2022, from the launch of the program, Intesa Sanpaolo purchased a total of 145,965,083 shares, equal to approximately 0.73% of the share capital, at an average purchase price per share of 1.6875 euros, for a total value of € 246,319,248.01.

In Piazza Affari, today, effervescent Intesa Sanpaolowhich closes the session with a decidedly positive performance of 2.57%.
