Intesa Sanpaolo, Fabi: agreement on short weeks and smart working

Intesa Sanpaolo Fabi agreement on short weeks and smart working

(Finance) – It was signed today by Fabi and by the other union organizations an agreement with the group Intesa Sanpaolo to regulate smart working, short week 4×9 and disconnection. For smart working, in particular, a ceiling is set 120 days per year, which rises to 140 days for some types of processing, usable, in both cases, within the context of a correct balance between face-to-face and remote activities; a meal voucher of 4.50 euros is recognized.

“Today’s is an important agreement which, gathering the contribution of the many colleagues who participated in the recent meetings, makes it possible to go beyond individual contracts, thus reiterating that collective agreements are the best way to manage the bank’s major changes in a context constantly evolving”, comments the coordinator Fabi Intesa Sanpaolo, Paul Citterio.

With the agreement signed today, among other things, the short week is being introduced on an experimental basis, of 4 days for 9 hours each, in approximately 250 branches of the group. “Fabi’s goal is to extend to all colleagues of the network the effective possibility of using smart working and the short week. Confirming the centrality of the contract national it was also reiterated that the adoption of smart working does not represent a tool and/or prerequisite for business units subject to future outsourcingjust as it does not affect the methods of measuring the employee’s work performance” adds Citterio.

(Photo: © Roman Babakin/123RF)
