Intesa Sanpaolo and Confartigianato Lazio together for the relaunch of artisans and MPI

Intesa Sanpaolo and Confartigianato Lazio together for the relaunch of

(Finance) – The agreement between Intesa Sanpaolo And Confartigianato Enterprises Lazio to support investments by crafts and micro and small enterprises in the region and to accompany entrepreneurs in relaunching their activities through projects of digitization And sustainability. At the presentation Michael Del Moro, President of Confartigianato Imprese Lazio took part; Andrea Rotondo, President of Confartigianato Roma Metropolitana; Michele Attivissimo, Intesa Sanpaolo Retail Sales Director; Roberto Gabrielli, Regional Director Lazio Abruzzo Intesa Sanpaolo.

The agreement is part of the consolidated relationship of collaboration between Intesa Sanpaolo and Confartigianato Imprese, thanks to the signing of numerous agreements aimed at facilitating access to credit for member companies.

In this context, the contents of ‘Grow Business‘, the Intesa Sanpaolo program dedicated to micro and small craft and trade enterprises. A plan from 5 billion euros which provides short and medium-long term financing solutions to support liquidity, energy emergency management and bill payment. An articulated credit system with particularly favorable conditions, to favor investments especially towards digital and sustainable transformation, declined on the basis of the specific needs of individual sectors.

In particular, they are foreseen concessions on the products of coverage insurance And rental of capital goods, furnishings and accessories to contain operating costs. Also important are the financing solutions to cover energy costs with subsidized credits and public guarantees up to 36 months, with 1 year grace period, as well as the possibility of requesting the suspension of the capital portion of existing loans.

“Credit – underlined the Presidents of Confartigianato Lazio Michael Del Moro and Confartigianato Metropolitan Rome Andrew Round – it is the essential fuel to restore impetus and confidence to our entrepreneurs and get the economy back on track. Thanks to the partnership with Intesa Sanpaolo, Confartigianato Lazio will be able to have a wide range of products and solutions to support businesses in the recovery of investments also in terms of digitization and sustainability, in line with the objectives of the PNRR”.

Robert Gabrielli, Head of the Lazio and Abruzzo Regional Directorate of Intesa Sanpaolo, pointed out: “Small and very small craft and trade businesses have inevitably been among the most exposed to the pandemic and to the increases in energy and raw material prices. This is why we have thought of “Crescibusiness”, i.e. new financing solutions to support these companies and accompany them out of the crisis and in the relaunch of their activities through digitization, sustainability and development projects for their commercial activities”.
