Intesa repays 20 billion TLTRO III, leaving 76 billion

Intesa repays 20 billion TLTRO III leaving 76 billion

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Intesa Sanpaolo proceeded today to a partial early repayment of the total outstanding financing transactions TLTRO III of the European Central Bank (ECB) in which it participated, for an amount equal to 20 billion euros (4 billion for the third transaction and 16 billion for the fourth), with a consequent reduction to approximately 76 billion euro. This is what we read in an update relating to liquidity reserves published on the institute’s website.

The November 18, 2022 the group had made an early repayment of approximately 13 billion euro (10 billion relating to the third operation, approximately one billion on the fourth, one billion on the eighth and approximately one billion on the ninth), while the December 9, 2022 it had proceeded with an early repayment for an amount of approximately 5.5 billion euro (4 billion relating to the third operation, approximately one billion on the eighth and 0.5 billion on the tenth).
