Intermittent fasting: 16/8, how to do it, how long?

Intermittent fasting 168 how to do it how long

Very popular, intermittent fasting or “fasting” consists of alternating periods of fasting and periods of normal eating. For example, you can eat nothing for 16 hours (16/8 method) by skipping the evening meal or breakfast. Practical guide to intermittent fasting with our nutritionists.

[Mise à jour le 6 mai 2022 à 11h01] Strict fasting which consists of not eating for a certain number of days by being satisfied withwater, broths and herbal teas, is not easy to set up, must be supervised and over too long a period leads to deficiencies. To enjoy the well-being benefits of fasting with a easy and risk-free method: partial or intermittent fasting may be the solution. Quite flexible, it allows everyone to integrate it according to their habits and lifestyles. A 2012 study by researchers at the University of South Carolina reported that a low-calorie diet for a short period of time would promote regeneration of the immune system. For Olivia Charlet, micro-nutritionist and naturopath, healthy people can start without risk. Just go gradually, connect to your feelings, see what is easier to remove dinner or breakfast. For people under treatment, it is necessary to be accompanied.

Definition: what is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting or intermittent or intermittent fasting fasting is a way of eating that consists of alternate periods of fasting (food deprivation) and periods of normal feeding. We fast a certain number of hours (or days according to the protocols) in order to put his body to rest. “For example, we have intermittent fasting which consists in eat nothing for 4 p.m. We then skip either the evening meal or breakfast” explains Olivia Charlet, micro-nutritionist and naturopath. Some also decide not to not eat for a whole day, Monday for example. Attention, during the whole fasting period if food is not allowed, you must continue to hydrate with water, tea, herbal teas, even “coffee, but without sugar” specifies the micro-nutritionist.

Several methods for example : fast for 24 hours once or twice a week ; fast according to 16/8 method (rest of 16 hours without eating and meals over a period of 8 hours) and the method 5/2 : we limit ourselves to 500-600 calories on 2 days of the week and the rest of the week, we eat normally. There is also alternate fasting where one alternate day fasting.

What is 16/8 intermittent fasting?

It’s simple intermittent fasting consists of eating for 8 hours and abstaining for the remaining 16 hours. For example, one can skip breakfast, lunch at 12 p.m. and dinner before 8 p.m. And this without time limit.

Partial or intermittent fasting is flexible fasting. There are different ways of doing it, the idea is that everyone finds the method that suits them by listening to their body and their feelings.

Meals before and after fasting don’t have to be gargantuan.

► 2 meals per day: With regard to intermittent or fasting young people, Olivia Charlet assures us that “It’s the easiest to set up because we can do it every day and it’s okay to have only two meals a day. It’s even very interesting, especially for lowering insulin.” According to the expert, this type of fasting helps regulate insulin, which helps to destock fat. “And even if the idea is not to go on a diet it can lead to weight loss for people who need to lose weight.”

How to do intermittent fasting? Going there gradually. “We start by shifting the breakfast time later and later to end up eliminating it once or twice a week. It has to be done by feeling. For some people it is easier to skip breakfast, for others it will be dinner. The important thing is not to eat anything for 4 p.m., some people fast for 6 p.m. The important thing is to go at your own pace so that it becomes a habit.

►Fasting 24 hours a week: For some, sequential fasting is a little longer, lasting up to a day. Once again it aims to put the body on hold, to allow it to reset the counters to zero. It’s about making a light dinner and of start eating again 24 hours later with a equally light breakfast. Meals before and after fasting should not be gargantuan and should be part of a healthy, balanced diet. Throughout the fasting period it is important to stay well hydrated. Light broths are allowed. “Some choose to fast 24 hours once a week. It’s also interesting, but it can generate stress on the body in the long term. You have to choose your day carefully, rather a day of rest where you don’t have to worry. ‘physical activity” advises Olivia Charlet.

How long can you do intermittent fasting?

For those who decide to adopt intermittent fasting consisting of only doing two meals a day as with 16/8 (lunch and dinner or breakfast and lunch), know that it can be done without time limit. As Olivia Charlet recalls “there is no problem with having only two meals a day. It is even very interesting, especially for lowering insulin”. According to the expert, this type of fasting helps regulate insulin, which helps to destock fat. “And even if the idea is not to go on a diet it can lead to weight loss for people who need to lose weight.” For longer fasts, one day a week, you have to see how you feel: “It’s interesting but it can generate stress on the body in the long term”. If you bear it well, you can do it without time limit.

What are the benefits?

Followers know it well, following intermittent fasting is a quick way to lose weight short term, mostly fat. “Strict fasts over several days must be framed with preparation before, rehabilitation after. Constraints that we do not have with partial fasting. This type of fasting helps cells to regenerate, activates autophagy, the body cleansing process, which allows all the waste proteins to be digested and recycled. This type of fasting allows age more gently, improve type II diabetes, stimulates sirtuins these proteins that inhibit inflammatory pathways. With fasting, you gain mental clarity, energy, and general well-being!” ensures the micro-nutritionist. Do not forget all the same that at the base, intermittent fasting was mainly followed for religious reasons such as Ramadan for example.

What are the consequences of fasting on the body?

When the body is deprived of food for a relatively long period of time, i.e. more than 12 hours, the low insulin level in the blood. The latter plays a key role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Along with this decline in insulin secretion, growth hormone secretion increases, resulting in the release of fatty acids into the bloodstream, resulting in a loss of fat mass. Guaranteed weight loss but is that a sufficient reason to practice it in the long term?

What are the side effects of intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting does not only have benefits. Adverse effects too because there are some! First of all, the dehydration. But also a state of drowsinessdifficulty falling asleep, a little irritability. Where the shoe pinches: possible fat storage and there it goes against the desired effect. Indeed, the alternation of food consumption then deprivation is not desirable. Unpleasant side: bad breath (halitosis) that this fast causes!

What health risks ?

The caveats of observing intermittent fasting should not be overlooked. It can lead to intense fatigue related to muscle wasting and pose a risk to people with heart problems. Not to mention the risk of imbalance in eating behavior. In fact, during a normal diet, food consumption focuses on foods rich in sugars, fats and sometimes in large quantities. The opposite can also be observed with a reduction in intake during normal periods.

What are the contraindications of intermittent fasting?

Do you have a heart condition, are you diabetic, are you taking medication at set times? Take the advice of your attending physician. It is imperative to be followed by a nutrition professional when you want to follow this type of diet.

What precautions before starting to fast?

As Olivia Charlet reminds us, the young partial does not a priori present a health risk on the contrary: “Studies show the benefits of intermittent fasting, there are no risks, it is even rather recommended because you don’t have to follow it every day.” Of course in case of treatment, health problem, pregnancy, hypoglycemia, it is advisable to speak to a health professional or a nutrition specialist. And the other two meals must always provide all the recommended daily allowances to avoid deficiencies and loss of muscle wasting. No particular contraindication except for people on treatment because “The health markers will move, you have to talk about it with your doctor.“And this type of fasting is not not recommended for anorexics and people with eating disorders.

thanks to Olivia Charlet, micro-nutritionist and naturopath, author of “Thin and healthy thanks to fasting”, Editions Leduc and Dr. Catherine Conan, nutritionist.
