interior minister under fire after failed expulsion of imam

dismissal of Gerald Darmanin on rape charges

Gérald Darmanin is heckled after the sequence, missed for the moment, of the expulsion of Imam Iquioussen. French justice on Friday suspended the expulsion to Morocco of an imam, reputed to be close to the Muslim Brotherhood and accused in particular of anti-Semitism, claimed by the French Minister of the Interior, believing that she would wear a ” disproportionate harm “to his” private and family life “. Unsurprisingly, the left is indignant at the decision of the Minister of the Interior, but on the right, the Republicans and the National Rally are also stepping up to the plate.

A Minister of the Interior powerless “, we denounce in chorus at the National Rally. In a tweet, party presidential candidate Jordan Bardella accuses Gérald Darmanin of “ ridicule France » and to offer « a victory for militants of political Islam who challenge it “. Marine Le Pen, for her part, is alarmed by the ” government cowardice “.

Double or quits

Not to be outdone, the executives of the Republicans also went there with their comments. A way to mark a little more distance between the executive and the right-wing party. Éric Ciotti, deputy candidate for the head of the party, assures that he will table on Monday August 8 a bill establishing the double penalty of automatic expulsion for foreign offenders and allowing the administrative expulsion of any foreigner if France so decides. .

Finally, the Minister of the Interior is also in the sights of the left. The rebellious deputy David Guiraud, member of the Nupes, evokes a ” stinging defeat for Gérald Darmanin “.

Gérald Darmanin, for his part, appealed the suspension of the expulsion of Imam Iquioussen before the Council of State. The institution’s decision may strengthen or, on the contrary, weaken Gérald Darmanin in the face of opposition.

The previous reverse of the immigration law

This setback comes a few days after the postponement, at the request of Elisabeth Borne, of the examination of the immigration bill wanted by the Minister of the Interior: a week after the announcement of an immigration law before Parliament at the start of the school year, Gérald Darmanin was forced on Wednesday August 3 to postpone the examination. The text, which was to be submitted to the Senate in October, will finally be replaced in October by a “major debate” on the subject in the National Assembly and the Senate, “before a finalized bill is presented”, has announced the Minister of the Interior in an interview with Figaro.

Since the beginning of July, Gérald Darmanin had multiplied the declarations on this highly sensitive and conflicting subject between the right and the left. Such a text would certainly have inflamed the Palais Bourbon even more at a time when the crucial financial texts (general budget and Social Security budget) must be adopted before the end of the year.
