Interesting statement from the Ukrainian army about the pilot named Phantom of Kiev: He is a superhero legend

Interesting statement from the Ukrainian army about the pilot named

After Russia’s attacks on Ukraine, it was announced that the Ukrainian pilot, nicknamed the “Ghost of Kiev”, was 29-year-old Major Stepan Tarabalka, and died on March 13. It was confirmed by the authorities that Tarabalka was honored with the medal.


However, it was announced that the Ukrainian pilot, nicknamed the “Ghost of Kiev”, who allegedly shot down nearly 40 warplanes of the Russian army, was not real. In a statement made by the Ukrainian Air Force, “Ghost of Kiev is a superhero legend whose character was created by Ukrainians”, warning the people of Ukraine to be vigilant against information pollution and to check their sources before spreading information.
The “Ghost of Kiev” is thought to be all of the pilots who make up the Air Force’s 40th Tactical Aviation Team, protecting the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, rather than a single pilot.


Ukrainian military historian Mikhail Zhirohov described the Ghost of Kiev story as “propaganda to raise morale”, noting that at the beginning of the war the Russian army dominated Ukrainian airspace, so a Ukrainian pilot could “shoot down only two or three planes”.

“Having this propaganda is very important, because our armed forces are smaller and many think we can’t be equal to them[the Russians]. We need this in wartime,” said Zhirohov.

The Ukrainian General Staff said in a statement yesterday that Russia has lost 190 aircraft and 155 helicopters in the war so far. But independent military analysts Oryx consider Russian casualties to be 26 aircraft and 39 helicopters, as well as 48 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). (UAV)
