Interesting solution to the supply crisis on the Ford front; “We’ll plug in the chip later”

Interesting solution to the supply crisis on the Ford front

1647494545 412 Interesting solution to the supply crisis on the Ford front

Aiming to have users less affected by the chip crisis, Ford manages the process with a skip strategy.

It is no secret that the chip crisis has been among the main agenda items of the automotive world in the last few years. Due to the process that takes the brands to the production intervals, we come across annual tables where the planned numbers are not reflected in the tables. While the necessity of producing new formulas on the management side emerges, some of these solutions are pushing the limits in terms of being in the minds. In the past, we have seen some brands adopting the motto of offering some models for sale by reducing their equipment. Ford, which brought a different dimension to this process, added a new dimension to the process with its temporary solution in America. brings.

1647494545 412 Interesting solution to the supply crisis on the Ford front


Some features for Ford Explorer will be available after chip supply

We see that Ford, which is preparing to offer a different solution to users through Explorer, one of its flagships for sale in the region, is preparing to passively deliver some equipment to users who order their vehicles. The brand, which will continue to integrate the equipment on the infrastructure side into the vehicles within the stock, will invite the users to the service points to activate the features with the arrival of the chip that will enable the system to work. While no disruption is expected on the side of basic features such as air conditioning and multimedia, some features such as the Explorer’s entertainment system for rear passengers and air conditioning controls will not be possible to use in the first stage. Ford is also preparing to guarantee the supply of chips needed within a 1-year period. Brand sources also underline that vehicles can be delivered to users earlier thanks to this.

