Interesting measure for Apple CEO Tim Cook! ‘Invisible wall’ built around his house

Interesting measure for Apple CEO Tim Cook Invisible wall built

Apple CEO Tim Cook has been making headlines lately, not because of a new iPhone or iPad announcement, but because of an obsessive fan. It was determined that a 45-year-old woman named Julia Lee Choi, who lives in the US state of Virginia, sent hundreds of emails to Apple CEO Tim Cook claiming to be the father of her twins and even threatening him with death. The obsessive woman who also calls herself “Julia Lee Cook” was sentenced to suspension to stay away from Cook’s home. However, it was seen that Apple took a new measure to protect CEO Cook.


Apple built an invisible wall in its Maps app to hide Cook’s home after he was targeted by Julia Lee Choi, who had driven thousands of miles from Virginia to California to find CEO Tim Cook and had a gun.

Cook’s £2.5m home in California now appears pixelated on both Apple Maps and Google Maps.

Google Maps-1


Julia Lee Choi, 45, started tweeting about Cook in the last days of 2020 and claimed that he was his wife and even the father of his children. Tim Cook came out as gay in 2014.

Choi, who calls himself Julia Lee Cook, also sent a message to Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, “You should stop following my husband Tim Cook as soon as possible.” She also targeted Google CEO Sundar Pichai, she.

According to the documents, it was revealed that the woman emailed Cook about 200 times from October to November 2020, threatening him with death many times. Some of the messages, described by Cook’s lawyer as “threatening and extremely disturbing”, were said to be of a sexual nature.

Cook’s lawyers said that the woman sent Cook a photo of loaded ammunition on November 3, 2020 and threatened him with death. In the e-mail in question, “I warned you, but you did not listen. I will not forgive you.” was also written. On the other hand, it was stated that the woman opened fake companies due to her obsession with Cook.
