Inter-tribal land war: At least 125 people died, 50,000 people left their homes

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According to OCHA’s report, on June 6, 25 villages where members of the Gimer tribe lived in Kulbus, 160 kilometers northeast of the city of Cineyne, were set on fire after the violence broke out between the African Gimer and Arabian Rizeygat tribes. At least 125 people were killed and many injured in the incidents. About 50,000 people fled to safer areas.


Describing what happened as “unacceptable”, UN Sudan Representative Volker Peretz called on authorities, tribal leaders and armed organizations to de-escalate tensions and protect civilians.

More than 200 people were killed in clashes between the two tribes in Sudan’s West Darfur region in April.


Hundreds of people lose their lives and thousands of people are displaced every year due to tribal conflicts in the Darfur region, which consists of 5 states in the west of the country.

In the region where individual armament is common, conflicts occur from time to time due to the conflicts between tribes such as land, grassland and water resources.

According to UN figures, 3 million people were displaced and more than 300 thousand people lost their lives in the clashes between government forces and armed movements in the Darfur region in western Sudan in 2003. (AA)
