Intel Starts Hiring Hackers!

Intel Starts Hiring Hackers

Intelpredominantly “elite hackers” a new initiative aimed at recruiting; Bug Bounty with Project Circuit Breaker announced the program. Company, bugs in firmware, hypervisors, GPUs, and processors wants to create a community of hackers to explore.

Project Circuit Breaker, “specific new platforms and technologies” will provide time-based activities for The people involved in the initiative are from Team Blue “Opportunities for more hands-on collaboration with Intel engineers” will receive training.

In addition to collaboration with Intel’s own software engineers Project Circuit Breaker; will allow participants to access new and pre-release products. Intel, that “Exciting new hacking challenges and opportunities to explore at unprecedented levels” emphasizing that it will Those who want to enroll in the program can apply on the website.

at Intel Client Security Strategy and Initiatives vice president and general manager Tom Garrison; “Error bounty programs; “It is a powerful tool to continually improve the safety of our products.” “As we aim to develop the most comprehensive security features; identify potential vulnerabilities and to reduce them for the continuous improvement of our products; the incredible value of deeper collaborations with the community We are also aware of it.” he added.

See: Intel Solves Alder Lake Processor Issues
