Insurance Changes Cause 2025 Canoe and Kayak Race Cancellation: Scrca

Insurance Changes Have Sunk This Year’s Spring Canoe and Kayak Race in Dawn-Euphemia Township, An Area Conservation Authority Official Says.


“We have required now. . . To have fun more on-site spotters, which requires us to enter into agrees with private citizens. . . To be their Property During the Race, ”Said St. Clair Region Conservation Authority General Manager Ken Phillips.

The Authority Only Learned of the New Requirements Recently, So There’s not Enough Time Before the Sydenham River Canoe and Kayak Race – Typically Held by the Authority and Its Foundation in Late April – To get Agreements in Place, He Said.

“So we just decide to cancel the race for this year, and figure out what we can do. . . In the future, ”Phillips Said.

Last Year, Insurance Required Two Spotters on the Riverbank and A Boat Following Racers in Case Rescues Were Needed, He Said. NOW, Spotters are Needed Every Kilometre Down The 16-KM Race.


“We just give the logistics to get that all Together in Time to make sure we can do the race,” Phillips Said.

The Insurance Requirements Are via The Ontario Marathon Canoe and Kayak Race Association that Oversees Races, He Said, Calling the public Safety rational valid.

“We want to make sure it’s a safe Event,” he Said. “We want to make sure that the participants are safe and we meet the requirements. We just doing an overall review on it. ”

Weather and the covid-19 Pandemic Cancelled Some Past events.

In 2024, Nearly 70 People Took Part Despite Soggy Conditions, Raising $ 3,800 for Educational Environmental Programs for Schoolkids, Officials Said in a release.

The Event featured 11 race classes and three racing lengths, with six classes recognized by the Ontario Marathon Canoe and Kayak Racing Association, Officials Said.

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