Insulting religious values ​​investigation for Spotify

Spotify brings new buttons for paid subscribers

New double building


existing unified structure

The most important name in the online music market Spotify, He faced a surprising investigation in Turkey.

to the latest details here Turkey’s price hike, which we have included, has made a sound Spotify, today, it is on the agenda with a Turkey-based investigation. The article in Cumhuriyet by An investigation was launched against Spotify for allegedly insulting religious values ​​and state officials in Turkey. The investigation revealed that the names given to the playlists created by the users “contempts religious values” and “insulting state officials” It was stated that it was started upon complaints made to CIMER with the allegation that they contain As a result of the prosecution’s investigations, it was noted that the music lists prepared by the users were approved by Spotify. to these names (Names here) The company, which seems to be a serious problem, has not yet made a public statement on the subject.

Spotify It is still the biggest name in the market. Firm at the end of 2021 more than 180 million reached the paid subscriber. The number of monthly active users of the company of 406 million was on it. Service total in the first quarter of 2022 182 million reached paid subscribers. The number of monthly active users of the company in the first quarter of 2022 to 422 million up to it.


In the second quarter results of 2022 announced last week, 188 million It was reported that the paid subscriber was reached. If the total number of users 433 million level has been reached. The company, which constantly increases the number of its subscribers, has difficulties in turning it into a profit.
