The famous Meta application recently integrated a whole slew of new features.
Updates follow each other, but are not necessarily alike. The latest Instragam is notably very rich in new features. The application discreetly deployed a colossal update on February 20, incorporating many new features. Among these, many improvements regarding the messages page.
Private messages between Instagram users have become a real asset of the platform, even if it means replacing SMS. Exchange of images, vocals, gif … Meta’s social network has performed and developed over the years in order to meet the expectations of the community. This time, Instagram messages have integrated many new features.

The main novelty added to the Instagram messages page is undoubtedly the translation. It is now possible, effortlessly, to understand what your English friend or your Spanish correspondent has sent you. A functionality that greatly facilitates exchanges between users despite the language barrier. In order to translate foreign remarks, just stay on the message in question and click on “Translate”.
Instagram has also added the possibility of sharing your songs at the moment. In just a few clicks, you can select the piece of your choice, such as when you publish a “story”, and submit it to your interlocutor. The latter can listen to your shared music, which takes the form of a vinyl on your screen. In order to send a song, you can press “Stickers”, then “Music”, before designating your title among the Instagram library.
Among the new features added on Instagram, you can also plan your messages, selecting the date and time of your choice. Useful feature in the event of birthdays, because you can plan your words a month in advance. To do this, you must stay pressing the “Shipping” button and select any date.
Other small innovations have also been introduced in Instagram, such as the possibility of pinning the messages of your choice in order to find them with one click in the future. In order to take advantage of this feature, you can stay on the message in question and press “pin”.
Finally, it becomes easier to add people to an Instagram group discussion, thanks to the addition of a personalized QR code, which can be scanned. A much faster way than wasting time looking for the profile in question on the social network, since the QR code is instantaneous and easily usable. To access it, you must press the name of your discussion group, click on “Invitation link” then “QR code”.