Instagram changes your internal messaging by adding many functions. On the program: translation of messages, music sharing, shipping of shipments, content pinning and QR codes for groups.

Instagram changes your internal messaging by adding many functions On

Instagram changes your internal messaging by adding many functions. On the program: translation of messages, music sharing, shipping of shipments, content pinning and QR codes for groups.

If Instagram is above all a social network oriented on the image in general and the photo in particular, it has its own messaging, in order to offer a confidential communication space. This system is called DM (Direct message) and allows an account to send written messages, links, audios, images, another account directly and privately. And as much to say that it quickly became a must of the platform and one of the favorite discussion channels of many users.

Instagram gradually adds functions, such as programming the sending of DMs last December. He continues on his momentum by announcing, in A blog postthe arrival of a whole bunch of new tools. On the program: translation of messages, music sharing, shipping of shipments, content pinning and QR codes for groups.

Instagram DM: translation, pinning, QR codes and music sharing

Instagram will accommodate a translation function for DMs in order to facilitate exchanges between users. Just make a long support and choose the “translate” option to transcribe a message from one language to another in one click. The translation will appear directly under the original message. Note that it is possible to “translate” messages already written in our mother tongue so that the reformulates them.

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Another novelty: the possibility of pinning the messages in a discussion in order to find them easily. To do this, you have to make a long support on it and then press the “Speate” option. The message in question will then appear in a headband at the top of the discussion. It is possible to pin up to three messages by conversation. Note that the social network already made it possible to pin discussions in the reception box.

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Instagram also welcomes a function to share pieces of music directly from DMs. Obviously, you could already stick Spotify, Deezer or Qobuz links in the application, but the function is now directly integrated into the interface. In the section where stickers are located is now a new “music” button allowing access to the Instagram music library, in order to send a 30 -second extract accompanied by a rotating vinyl animation. This should particularly appeal to young users who are used to discovering new music via social networks.

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Finally, Instagram allows the generation of QR codes to be able to invite people in group discussions, without the need for direct invitation. Just support, from the cat interface, on the name of the conversation, to click on “Invitation link”, then on “QR code”. By scanning the image, it is then possible to join the group in two stages three movements.

© Meta

Instagram: a “I don’t like” button in preparation

In addition to these new features, the owner of the social network, Adam Mosseri, announced currently testing a “I don’t like” button for comments on publications. It should allow users (including the creator of the commented content) to express their disapproval.

The subtlety of this function is that it is done privately. The “Dislike” counter is not displayed on the social network, and the author of the comment is not informed. The button only makes it possible to act on algorithms, by automatically reorganizing the comments based on the negative feedback from users, by relegating the most unpopular at the bottom of the discussions.

This anonymization makes it possible to avoid reprisals, since no one will know who used this function. This also helps to avoid mass dislike campaigns (the famous raids) which can take place. In this way, Meta hopes to highlight only positive content. Please note, the platform specifies, however, that it is for the moment a simple test, without guaranteeing a final adoption.
