Instagram bug: DMs and messages planted?

Instagram bug DMs and messages planted

INSTAGRAM BUG. Since the evening of Tuesday July 5, 2022, Instagram users have been facing a recurring bug regarding private messages, DMs.

Impossible to send or receive a message “in private” on Instagram since Tuesday evening July 5th. This is one of the most frequent bugs noticed by users of the social network, property of the Meta group which also owns Facebook. Others report on the contrary receiving the same message over and over again accompanied by an annoying notification which is not really one since they have already read this same message several times! In this kind of situation, it is best to be patient and monitor Instagram notifications on the subject, or even download an update to the app if it is posted on the Google Play Stores. or AppStore.

Instagram has not yet communicated on this bug which nevertheless agitates the web. On Twitter, the messages are numerous, accompanied by the usual hashtags “#InstagramDown” or “#BugInstagram”. This problem occurs in full evolution of Instagram which has posted many new features in recent weeks. Among them, we note the increased role of Reals instead of videos. Already at the beginning of July, a bug had been reported but this time affected the import of new photos or videos on your profiles. It was then impossible for many users to add a new photo. Note that Facebook Messenger users also encountered problems on Wednesday evening, but the outage seems to have been resolved quickly this time!
