Instagram Brings the Expected Feature! – Mobile

Instagram Brings the Expected Feature Mobile

The most popular social media application today. Instagramwill allow verified accounts to choose who to receive calls from.

Increasing the number of users and bringing new updates every day, Instagram aims to keep the user experience at the maximum level. Bringing constant updates in this direction, Instagram has started to test the feature that has been expected by users for a long time. With the upcoming update, users will be limited to making calls to everyone. However, this limitation will not affect all users.

Instagram users can follow pages and people they do not follow from other accounts. This situation negatively affects especially the pages with large followers and women. who want to solve this problem Instagramwill allow verified account users to choose who can call them.

With the new feature, Instagram will have secured the privacy policy of users. Research shows us that the discarded out of every 15 messages one is abusive ve out of every 7 voicemails One of them is abusive. This is a big problem especially for women.

The upcoming Instagram feature is currently in the testing phase. However, it is expected that Instagram will bring the new feature to all users in a short time.

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