Instagram brings normal sharing infrastructure to friends

Instagram brings normal sharing infrastructure to friends

One of the most used social media networks in the world Instagramspecial sharing infrastructure for close friends brings.

Instagram, For a very long time people only “Close friend” It allows people to share stories that can be seen by the people it designates. This feature is very popular because from time to time, some posts may not be desired to be seen by all followers. Here this infrastructure is normal soon “post” will also be available for sharing. The feature that some people can actively test at the moment, normal shares thrown. Only “Close friend” will show to people selected as. In this way, only close friends will be able to create a content flow, these private shares (Photo, Reels or regular video) will not be used by the recommendation algorithm. Instagram before that TikTok inspired reels came up with the plan. Instagram’s vertical video format, which has a 15-second limit when it first came out reels, then extended to 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and finally 90 seconds. Reels currently max 90 seconds can be thrown, the company wants to increase this to a serious level in the future. By researching application codes, there are features that have not yet been released in the development stage. Alessandro PaluzziAs reported by the firm 3 mins, even at the top Performing tests for throwing 10-minute Reels. When will these new limits arrive or whether they will be opened to everyone (May be exclusive to Meta Verified subscribers) is not yet fully known.

