Instagram Announces Its New Feature! – Mobile

Instagram Announces Its New Feature Mobile

Instagram, one of the most popular social media applications of today, announced its new feature.

The new feature that Instagram will bring is not really new, it was first introduced to users in 2016. chronological order The feature will be active again with the new update.

Instagram is in competition with many social media applications today. That’s why it aims to constantly bring new features to its users and find solutions to problems. Especially the IGTV feature, which ended completely with the last major update, was the biggest indicator of this.

With the chronological order that will come again, it helps you not to always see the posts of the people you follow. “Favorites” and “FollowingThe chronological sorting feature, which will appear in two sections as ”, serves to classify the accounts that users follow. to favorite option 50 accounts you can add In the Following option, you can see other accounts you follow. Thus, the posts will appear in order of sharing.

The chronological ordering feature of Instagram, which will come again, seems to meet with users in the coming weeks.

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