Insect bites: list, photos, allergy, treatments

Insect bites list photos allergy treatments

Many insects can bite: tiger mosquito, wasp, chigger, flea, horsefly, hornet, bed bug… Most of the time benign, their bites can be serious in case of allergy. Advice by type of sting and tour of preventive and curative remedies.

We count more than 34,000 kinds of insects in France. The wasp, ant, flea, hornet, mosquito, bee, spider, bed bug... are the best known. Insect bodies matter Three parties : a head provided with a pair of antennae, a thorax with six legs and one or two pairs of wings, as well asan abdomen. Some sting more than others. Which ? Why ? Is it serious if you get bitten? What to do if you are allergic? How to relieve and calm an itch? The essentials to know to stay protected, especially in summer!

Causes of bites

In mosquitoes only the female bites because she needs human blood to reproduce. Wasps sting to defend themselves when they feel threatened. But why do they bite at night? And why some people and not others?

What are the symptoms of an insect bite?

“Whatever the insect, its bite is manifested by the appearance ofa red bump on the skinwith a diameter varying from 1 to 15 millimeters depending on the culprit”, specifies Dr. Michael Naouri, dermatologist. The pain is not necessarily immediate : a mosquito bite is painless, it is the saliva of the female mosquito, injected under the skin, which itches. In contrast, a hornet, wasp or bee sting immediately causes a sharp pain. A strong itch occurs as a result of a horsefly or ant bite. The chiggers, invisible to the naked eye, like to leave us as memories of red patches in skin folds or rubber bands from clothes.

Pictures of insect bites

Photo of insect bite © weerachaiphoto –
Photo of insect bites
Photo of insect bites © Dimid –

Is an insect bite serious?

Most insect bites, although painful, are benign. However, care must be taken not to scratch the stung area, as this can cause infection. Moreover, it also depends on where the insect has stung: if you have been stung in the throat or on the tongue – for example by drinking a fruit juice in which a wasp was -, this can interfere with your breathing and require hospitalization. “The main risk of insect stings is for people allergic to wasp or bee venom, who then suffer a anaphylactic shock involving the vital prognosis or a angioedema characterized by swelling of the throat”, warns the dermatologist. Anaphylactic shock causes discomfort, flushing, chills, sweating, a drop in blood pressure, even vomiting or an asthma attack. In this case, call the emergency services immediately.

List of stings and bites

The ones that bite us the most are insects. But you can also suffer from other more or less painful stings or bites.

Bite treatments: antiseptics, natural solutions…

In the event of a sting, you must: clean with soap and water ; apply a antiseptic solution or an anti-itch cream; remove the sting. You can also use disinfected tweezers. In the face of pain, it may be tempting to put an ice cube on an insect bite. Bad idea: on the contrary, the cold tends to prolong the action of the venomin addition to causing burns.

Sting in children

To avoid bites in children, it is advisable to use mosquito nets, not to let them walk barefoot, to opt for clothes that cover the arms and legs. It is best to avoid applying repellents directly to children’s skin, but rather to their clothes.

In case of mosquito bites : disinfect with an antiseptic and monitor the occurrence of swelling or hives. Consult when these symptoms are present.

In case of wasp sting, bee or hornet: remove the stinger quickly, disinfect the skin and monitor the sting point and the general condition of the child. In the event of a significant skin reaction, the occurrence of respiratory discomfort, general symptoms (malaise, loss of consciousness), you must consult a doctor immediately or call 15.

When to consult in case of insect bite?

Insect bites can cause allergic reactions especially when it comes to hymenoptera (wasps, bees, hornets). Symptoms include feeling sick, sweating and difficulty breathing. You should then consult a doctor. People who know they are allergic (representing about 3% of the population) must always have an antihistamine-type drug at hand. Faced with a violent reaction, emergency services should be called as soon as possible.

What are the places at risk of getting bitten?

On a hikeit is preferable toavoid tall grass if you do not want to risk being bitten by certain dangerous insects, such as ticks. When walking in fields involving bushes, tall grass or shrubs for example, the ideal way to protect yourself is to wear clothes that cover as much body surface as possible, but also to avoid wearing open shoes.

A good repellentapplied to the bare parts of his body, in the form of a spray or cream, will have a deterrent effect on insects. “Its use is all the more essential in countries affected by malaria, dengue fever, Zika or chikungunya”recommends the dermatologist. The night is a particularly crucial time for insect bites, in bed at the time of sleep. In order to keep them away from the room, it is important not to leave the light on after dark at night when the window is open. It is recommended to use repellents in the room, to spray an insecticide before going to bed, even to put a mosquito net at night in the danger zone and to wear light clothes. Finally, avoid walking barefoot on the grass: it’s the best way to get bitten by insects.

On the health forum: discussions about insect bites

To remember

► In mosquitoes only the female bites because she needs human blood to reproduce.

► A hornet, wasp or bee sting immediately causes severe pain.

► In the event of a wasp, bee or hornet sting: remove the stinger quickly and disinfect the skin.

► The main risk of insect bites is allergy to venom which leads to anaphylactic shock

► Severe allergic symptoms include feeling sick, sweating and difficulty breathing.

Thanks to Dr. Michael Naouri, dermatologist.
