INPS: the use of AI starts from the women’s option

INPS the use of AI starts from the womens option

(Finance) – As part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, L’Inps start an experiment based onArtificial intelligence generative in nature. On the INPS site, the user can “converse” with an intelligent virtual assistant after making a request on the search engine. The Assistant – explains the INPS in a note – will provide timely answers, help to orientate between the services and services offered by the institution. The Artificial Intelligence will in fact use the first results of the search engine to narrow the information frame, so that the Assistant can offer detailed answers to subsequent questions drawn from official and certified sources. If necessary, a disambiguation step is foreseen, in which the Assistant asks the user to indicate the category to which they belong among predefined options. In this way, the user will get substantial help in his research with an agile response model.

Furthermore, experimentally, in the page dedicated to “Women’s option” on the site, the virtual assistant, keeping the dialogue in memory, is able to “converse” also providing in-depth information on the performance taken from circulars, messages and internal documents on the subject, as well as from the product/service data sheets on the site. Subsequently, the experimentation will be extended to all other services, guaranteeing transparency, immediacy of information, shared construction and dissemination of knowledge.

With the’introduction of generative artificial intelligence model in the portal search engine, INPS continues to invest in technological innovation to provide quality services and sets itself up as a point of reference for quick and easy access to information. “The INPS Artificial Intelligence system, in line with privacy legislation, currently uses limited but controlled sources to provide the most reliable answers and learns from experience. For this reason, users can collaborate in training by reformulating the request if the answer is not exhaustive, to the benefit of the whole community” declares the general manager Vincenzo Caridi.
