INPS: the 2023 financial year closes in profit

Gender Equality INPS adopts Operational Plan for the implementation of

(Finance) – Il INPS Board of Directors, chaired by Gabriele Fava, on the proposal of the general director Valeria Vittimberga, in the extraordinary session of 30 May 2024, approved the draft general statement for the year 2023, which presents positive financial and management results for the main items. The 2023 financial year – the Institute announced in a note – ends with a financial surplus equal to 12,188 million, deriving from the current account result (7,668 million), and from the capital account result (4,520 million). The document, as required by law, is examined by the Steering and Supervisory Council (CIV), which will decide on its approval within 60 days, and by the Board of Auditors.

The verified contributory income are equal to 269,152 million, with an increase of 13,014 million (+5.1%) compared to the previous final figure (256,138 million). The greatest increase in absolute value concerns the contributions from private sector employees (+5.7%), and is equal to 9,348 million, for a total of 173,006 million (previous year: 163,657 million). THE contributions from self-employed workers increased by 5.8% (+1,270 million, for a total of 23,218 million; previous year: 21,948 million). THE contributions from public sector employees they reach 62,324 million (+1,739 million, equal to an increase of 2.9%); the most significant growth, in percentage terms, is reported by the contributions of semi-subordinate workers and freelancers which total 10,604 million (+6.6%). The investigations deriving from the Institute’s inspection supervision activities are included in contribution revenues and, net of the lower benefits provided, amount to 821 million (+14.19% compared to 2022).

In 2023, INPS provided institutional services for 398,063 million, with an increase of 17,345 million (+4.6%) compared to 2022 (380,718 million). In this context, the pensions amount to 304,145 million, with an increase of 20,890 million (+7.4%) compared to the previous 283,254 million; in particular, private pensions are equal to 215,608 million with an increase of 14,843 million (+7.4%), and public pensions are equal to 88,536 million, with an increase of 6,047 million (+7.3%).

The income support expenses (unemployment benefits, bonus salary supplements, sickness benefits, etc.), which in 2022 amounted to 26,033 million, they showed a decrease of 29.3% and totaled 18,408 million (-7,625 million). The decline is mainly attributable to the lower expenditure for the 200 euro bonus (Art 32 DL 50/2022) and the 150 euro bonus (DL 144/2022) which, overall, amounted to 8,391 million in 2022 (554 million in 2023). There is also a clear decline salary supplements (paid by the State -361 million; paid by INPS -208 million) ei disease treatments, equal to 2,713 million, with a decrease of 24.7% (-888 million). The largest item is represented by unemployment benefits, equal to 13,099 million, with an increase of 13.5% (+1,563 million) over 2022. The extraordinary checks from solidarity funds reach 1,042 million (+106 million; +11.4%).

Social inclusion (social allowances and pensions, civil disability benefits, citizenship income and pension and, from September, the support for training provided for by Legislative Decree no. 48/2023) determines an expense of 34,104 million (+0.9% compared to 2022 ), which highlights the benefits for civil disability, equal to 21,619 million, (+5.3% compared to the last financial year) and the citizen’s income and pension, equal to 6,688 million, with a lower expense of 16 .8% (-1,350 million; in 2023 the benefit was recognized to beneficiaries up to a maximum of seven monthly payments). Spending on training support is equal to 16 million; that for social allowances and pensions stood at 5,781 million (+10.7%).

The expenses for the family (family allowances, single and universal allowance, maternity benefits, birth allowances, nursery school fees and parental leave), with 23,847 million, recorded a growth of 12.3% (+2,606 million) on the 2022 figure; the trend is motivated by the disbursement for the entire year of the single and universal allowance, which debuted in March 2022, and by the revaluation of the amounts; spending thus reached 18,246 million (+42%).

The review of institutional spending is completed by the so-called other performances (Severance and severance pay for public employees, severance pay and guarantee fund for private employees and credit and social benefits for public employees) which impact the Institute’s budget for 17,559 million, with an increase by 7.1% compared to the 16,394 million of the previous year.

Also on the economic-patrimonial plan, the year 2023 ends with a positive operating result of 2,063 million. As a result of this result and the reduction of the debt towards the state treasury, INPS’s net assets went from 23,221 million at the beginning of the financial year to 29,784 million at 12.31.2023.
