INPS, over 367 thousand entertainment workers in 2023 (+4.9%)

Gender Equality INPS adopts Operational Plan for the implementation of

(Finance) – In 2023 the number of entertainment workers with at least one paid day in the year is 367,535 units, with an average annual salary of 11,299 euros and an average annual number of 95 paid days. Workers in 2023 had an increase of 17,275 units (+4.9%) compared to 2022, which was accompanied by a slight increase in the average salary in the year (+0.2%) and a reduction in the average number of paid days (-1.1%). This is what theInps in the’Management Observatory of entertainment workers and professional athletes 2023.

THE professional groups with the greatest dynamism they turned out to be that of the “Actors” and that of the “Makeup artists”increased by 9.4% and 9% respectively between 2022 and 2023. groups, however, still in decline they turned out to be those of the “Directors and screenwriters” (-12.2%) and of “Film rental company employees” (-1.4%).

The group of actors continues to be the largest with 99,959 employed (27.2% of the total), a group in which the share of the category of “General workers and special workers” is significant, which in 2023 has 62,481 workers (most concentrated in Lazio with 47,423 workers).

About the distribution of entertainment workers by geographical area it turns out that 39.5% work in the Central regions, followed by the North-West with 26%, the South and Islands with 17.8% and the North-East with 16.6%.

The salary levels between the regions are very different: in the North-West, workers in 2023 received 31% more (14,797 euros) compared to the national average figure (130 euros per day), in the Center the average salary was higher than the national figure, finally in the other areas the salaries were decidedly inferior.

The professional athletes with at least one contribution paid in 2023 there were 9,836, with an increase of 8.5% compared to the previous year; 92.7% are made up of members of the Football Federation. At a territorial level, more than half of professional athletes work in the North (55.9%), especially in the North-West (33.4%).
