INPS is hiring 16 lawyers: the notice is online

INPS is hiring 16 lawyers the notice is online

(Finance) – INPS has announced a public competitionfor exams, aimed atpermanent hiring of 16 lawyers level I. These legal professionals will be included in the roles of the Institute’s staff at the various regional directorates specified xsxaccording to a distribution well defined by the announcement.

The distribution of seats is as follows: 1 place for the territorial offices in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Marche; 2 seats for Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto; 3 seats in Puglia.

To participate in the competition, you must meet specific requirements. Applications for participation must be sent exclusively online, authenticating via SPID/CIE/CNS/eIDAS and completing the application format on the InPA Recruitment Portal within 30 days of the publication of the notice on the “inPA” portal and on the INPS institutional portal.

The selection will include a pre-selection test (if more than a thousand applications are received), two written tests and an oral test.
