INPS: executive online reunifications ENPAM and Cassa Geometri

Gender Equality INPS adopts Operational Plan for the implementation of

(Telestock) – Starting from September, members of ENPAM and Cassa Geometri will be able to activate the option of reunification using exclusively the telematic channel. The framework agreement, adopted with resolution no. 56 of the INPS Board of Directors of 19 April 2023, therefore becomes fully enforceable, thanks to the IT collaboration that has been achieved between the Institute, ENPAM and the Cassa Geometri.

INPS reports the newsthrough Message number 2770 published on 31 July in which the Institute recalls, in particular, the fundamental contribution offered by the partners in terms of know-how and IT infrastructures, to allow the alignment of the application cooperation platforms.

The telematic exchange carried out will, in fact, concern the following phases : the request, by the signatory Professional Fund, of the statement of contributions paid to INPS and the telematic consultation of the status of the request; the sending of the contribution statement by INPS; the request, by the signatory Professional Fund, of a possible re-examination (and the consultation of the status of the request); the sending of a new contribution statement by INPS following the re-examination; the notification, by the signatory Professional Fund, of the outcome of the reunification operation.

Nine professional funds have joined the Convention, marking the beginning of a path that will be developed in the coming months. The aim is to create new procedures operations connected to the procedures required for the reunification of contributions leaving the Professional Fund towards INPS”
