Innovative shooter from 2021 has 86% positive reviews on Steam

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Lemnis Gate is one of the most unusual shooters of recent years. The game is played in first-person, but with turn-based gameplay and time mechanics. Although the game got good reviews, the shooter is discontinued after less than two years.

What kind of game is this? In Lemnis Gate you play a match in 1v1, 2v2 or local multiplayer. There are various modes such as deathmatch, search and destroy or domination. In addition, you have different operators with different skills available.

A game consists of several rounds, each lasting 25 seconds. In those 25 seconds you can do whatever you want. The game is then reminiscent of a classic first-person shooter.

When your turn is over, it’s your opponent’s turn and can react to your steps. If an operator dies in a round, then he is in ghost mode. There you can carry out the usual actions. If you manage to kill the enemy that killed your operator, you can come back to life.

Sounds pretty confusing? It is also, but also very innovative, found MeinMMO author Tarek Zehrer.

Lemnis Gate could never reach the large number of players. Only 807 people played simultaneously on Steam shortly after the release. But it was popular with its few players. The shooter received 758 reviews on Steam, 86% of which were positive. In addition to Steam, the game also appeared on PS4, PS5 and Xbox’s Game Pass.

Lemnis Gate – Gameplay Trailer

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Lemnis Gate will be discontinued in July 2023

What happened now? The low player numbers take their toll. On July 11, 2023, the servers will be shut down. From then on, PC players no longer have access to the content, console players can still play against each other locally.

Before that, on April 11th, the sale of Lemnis Gate will be discontinued.

Why did the shooter fail? If you look at the reviews, there are a lot of positive reviews about the release. They praise the complex gameplay that requires a lot of thinking and planning. One user called it “4D chess with guns”.

But some feared that the large numbers of players would not materialize – also because Lemnis Gate was Buy2Play, which is an entry hurdle.

Early on there was a desire to switch to Free2Play in order to have more players to search for matches. This is said to have been difficult as early as January 2022, four months after the release. Sometimes only 8 players were online on the PC at the same time.

In recent months, the shooter has been missing both new updates and new players. So the shutdown was the logical consequence.

Have you played Lemnis Gate? And if so, will you miss the shooter?

If you are looking for a new, good shooter, you will find it here: The 14 best multiplayer shooters 2023 for PC, Switch, PS4, PS5 and Xbox.
