Innovative finance and SMEs, Gros-Pietro: “Technology helps reduce credit costs”

Innovative finance and SMEs Gros Pietro Technology helps reduce credit costs

(Finance) – “Innovative finance prospects for SMEs” is the title of the conference held today in Milan and organized by CreateResthe Research Center in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility of theUniversity of Insubriain partnership with Intesa Sanpaolo At the center of the debate the prospects of innovative finance for SMEs in the renewed economic context, with an interpretation from the point of view of companies, financial intermediaries and supervisory authorities.

Guests of the round table, moderated by the journalist Debora Rosciani, the Consob commissioner Paolo Ciocca, Giorgio Gobbi director of the Milan office of the Bank of Italy, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro president of Intesa Sanpaolo, Emanuele Orsini Vice President of Confindustria for Credit, Finance and Taxation.

The meeting was also an opportunity for the presentation of the volume edited by Rossella Locatelli and Cristiana Schena of the University of Insubria “The new financial ecosystem for SMEs. The opportunities of digitization and sustainable development”, to be released in May 2022, publishing house Franco Angeli Editore.

“It is necessary that all the players in the system get involved – explain the authors Locatelli and Schena -, not only to be able to select and support healthier and more capable SMEs to give life to an economic development that leverages the drivers of technological innovation and sustainability, but also for create a team game with innovative rules and conditions, which enhance and stimulate the entrepreneurial ability of Italian SMEs, too often recognized and accredited abroad rather than in national borders “.

The President of Intesa Sanpaolo Gian Maria Gros-Pietro he stated “I think it’s a the duty for the bank to provide customers with the easiest way to access ” to his services.

“We have 4 million of customers who they never go to the branch“explained Gros-Pietro, stressing that the digital bank is not just the app and that Intesa focuses on “Wealth management, protection & advisory” model and therefore to approach the entrepreneur before proposing “the right tools”

For the President of the bank, the new technologies “will help contain the cost of credit “and will allow “better package productsreduce brokerage costs and make funding arrive faster. ” fintechGros-Pietro called it “an instrument very useful for sustainability because it can be an accelerator“and stressed that” there are enormous opportunities “.
