Innovation, the fourth edition of the Innovation Village Award presented in Naples

Innovation the fourth edition of the Innovation Village Award presented

(Finance) – In Naples, during the Innovation Village 2022 fair which took place at the Città della Scienza, the fourth edition of Innovation Village Award, the annual award that intends to enhance the experiences of sustainable innovation carried out in the territories, attributable to one of the 17 Sustainable development goals set by the UN 2030 Agenda. IV Award is established and supported by Knowledge for Business with ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) and Enea (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development). Main sponsor is Optima Italy, which for the first year supports the award.

The call to participate is already open. Innovators, professionals, researchers, associations and foundations, startups and spinoffs, SMEs and social enterprises can register. Last year, 178 innovators took part in the IV Award, who shared prizes for over 50 thousand euros.

There news of the fourth edition is the extension of the competition, which sees the birth of special sections “Phygital Sustainability Expo”in partnership with Sustainable Fashion Innovation Society from the president Valeria Mangani; And “Culture does not isolate”, on the occasion of Procida Italian Capital of Culture 2022, represented in Città della Scienza since director Agostino Riitano and in collaboration with Federica Web Learning.

Seven thematic areas are foreseen. The two best projects for each area and special sections will access the final on 27 October in Città della Scienza, in which they will have the opportunity to present themselves to a jury through a 5-minute pitch. The jury will decide the best project and all the prizes and special mentions made available by the partners of IV Award 2022: Optima, Materias, Meditech, Opus Automazione, TecUp, Campania Aerospace District, Stress, Associazione Donne 4.0, Order of Engineers of Naples, Innovup, a | cube, Best Practices Confindustria Salerno, Sellalab, Le Village by CA Triveneto, Incubatore Sei.

“IV Award – he says Annamaria New Year, director of Innovation Village – continues to grow and takes advantage of even more prestigious collaborations. We reward innovations applied to construction, aerospace, new materials and many other areas. This year, moreover, we leave Campania to bring two semifinals to Rome and Procida, which will define some of the finalists of Naples. At the same time – highlights New Year’s Eve – Innovation Village is also growing, a reference event for all innovators which in October will experience its central moment with a focus on aerospace, infrastructure monitoring and the environment to prevent disasters, bio-foundries and hydrogen “.

“IV Award – he declares Valeria Fascione, councilor for Research, Innovation and Startup of the Campania Region – it is an important moment because it connects Naples and Campania with the long networks of research and innovation of the Italian system, with organizations, research centers and universities. It is an award that makes use of important partnerships that expand from year to year, all of which highlights an ability to connect with the national and international system that goes hand in hand with the strategy of the Campania Region “.
