(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Innovatec has closed the 2022 financial year with positive resultscontinuing along its development path even in a phase marked by significant macroeconomic uncertainties and characterized by higher energy costs and a random trend in the eco-bonus legislation.
In this context, Innovatec has continued for over a year to grow by registering double digits on a quarterly basis Revenue to Euro 289 million, an increase of 21% compared to last year on a pro forma basis. Positive results were achieved by the Energy Efficiency business – which generated revenues of Euro 113 million (+67%) – and by the Environment and Circular Economy, which recorded revenues of Euro 175 million (+3%) with volumes and prices on the increase demonstrating solidity, capacity for development and sustainability of the business.
Despite the impact deriving from the macroeconomic and regulatory scenario, EBITDA stood at Euro 32 million, substantially in line (-3%) with the figure for the previous year, despite being affected by higher energy prices and higher costs deriving from from the lengthening of the ecobonus construction sites connected to the regulatory stop&go.
L’EBIT for the year grew by 75% compared to the previous year to Euro 18.7 million and the EBIT margin at 6.5%.