Innovatec, growth objectives confirmed despite conflict

Innovatec growth objectives confirmed despite conflict

(Finance) – Innovateca company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the Clean Tech sector, announced that the HouseVerde project reached a definitive contract portfolio inherent to sustainable energy requalification real estate thanks to the Ecobonus 110% of approximately 156 million euros. The portfolio of project proposals, additional to the initiatives already under contract, amounts to 114 million euros. They will turn into definitive contracts only after the successful receipt and analysis of the documentation compliant with the legislation in force. Innovatec estimates the accrual of the relevant revenues – depending on the start date and the complexity of the works – in financial years 2022 and 2023 net of those already completed in 2021. The HouseVerde Project was started by the subsidiary Innovatec Power in June 2020.

“The HouseVerde Project is giving us great satisfaction in terms of volume of activity, with further business developments following the eco-bonus extension until 2024 and 2025, albeit in different ways – commented theCEO Roberto Maggio – Despite the climate of uncertainty generated by the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, and the consequent increase in energy and raw material prices, the company it does not feel it needs to revise its growth targetswhich are also confirmed in the light of the trend of the first two months of the year, in line with the budget if not slightly improved “.” In the light of the current situation, the Governments and the EU Authorities can only further support the development of renewable sources and energy efficiency“, according to May.
