Inmates at a youth home in Kalix abused an employee severely – sentenced

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The incident occurred outdoors on a January afternoon when the treatment assistant was to pick up the inmates from the school to accompany them back to their ward at Johannisberg.

Forced to open the gate

According to the verdict, the two inmates must have grabbed the treatment assistant and dealt repeated blows and kicked him in the head and body. Some of the violence took place when the treatment assistant was lying on the ground.

They also threatened him with a knife and attacked him with a knife or knife-like object. The inmates forced the treatment assistant to open the gate so they could get out.


The treatment assistant suffered some injuries and began to bleed, had pain, abrasions, swelling, subcutaneous bleeding and a mucous membrane damage in the nose.

After a while on the run, the two young men could be taken back to Johannisberg’s youth home.

The sanction for the inmates will be closed youth care for another four months. Together, they must also pay damages to the treatment assistant of SEK 22,700 and SEK 800 to the crime victim fund.
