Injuries after cosmetic procedures are not investigated

Malin in Malmö is one of the few who had her report investigated by the Inspectorate for Care and Care (IVO). She had an eyelid procedure at the Academy Clinic to remedy a chronic headache.

After the procedure, one stitch was left behind, which led to inflammation and a total of three corrective surgeries. Malin still has problems after the procedure.

– I have a burning sensation in my eye all the time. Every blink stings and it feels like I have tiny, tiny grains of gravel in my eye, she says.

Booklet of over 50 pages

When she was going to report to IVO, she had heard rumors that it was difficult to get her report investigated. Therefore, she decided to make it properly. She is a graphic designer and put together a physical booklet of over 50 pages where she pedagogically explained what went wrong, step by step.

It gave results. The report was taken seriously, investigated and led to her surgeon being criticized by IVO.

When Kalla fakta surveys all reports of injuries after cosmetic procedures, it turns out that a full 80 percent are left without action. In some cases it is because they came in too late; two years after the procedure took place. In other cases, because IVO does not assess the damage as serious enough.

Serious infections were not investigated

Daniel Lilja is head of department at IVO. He says that the figure can partly be explained by how the law is designed.

– To understand that figure, you need to understand how the law is designed. In order for IVO to investigate an individual complaint, it must be about a medical injury that is serious. It can be lasting but and it can be death.

Cases that have not been investigated include severe breathing difficulties, a collapsed nose, repeated re-operations, burns, severe infections and constant pain.

“Wish the industry was mature”

Are you satisfied with the figure of 80 percent, without investigation or rejected?

– I would probably say that we have found a level that the legislator has indicated that we should investigate at the authority. After all, one wishes that the industry is so mature that neither dissatisfaction nor health care injuries arise, says Daniel Lilja.

Obviously the industry is not that mature?

– No.

For Malin, it was important to convey what she had been through.

– For me, it was important that someone else should see what had happened because otherwise I would have gone crazy myself, says Malin.
