It was in the fall of 2022 and during combat training with powerful ammunition that the earmuffs slipped off the conscript. According to the report to Försäkringskassan, it was due to poorly fitting Combat Arms (earplugs) that the man wore under the hoods.
The man, who is in his 20s, has suffered permanent symptoms such as tinnitus and increased sensitivity to sound. A consulting doctor assesses that he has a medical disability amounting to six percent.
Several serious incidents in Boden
Now, through the Kammarkollegiet, the state has decided to compensate the young man with SEK 136,000.
In June 2022, SVT met the instructor Fredrik Walding on the A8 in Boden. Even before this accident, several incidents had occurred in connection with firing exercises. Hear more about these in the clip below.
In the video, you hear the instructor Fredrik Walding give examples of when someone was very close to being shot dead during the Armed Forces’ shooting exercises. Photo: Erica Larsson/SVT