Initiatives to establish an electric vehicle charging network are increasing in Turkey

A new vulnerability has been discovered for fast charging stations

With the growth of the sector day by day, in Turkey electric vehicle One of the first companies to obtain a charging network operator license was Kalyon EV.

These days, when there is very little time left for the domestic automobile to debut, the breakthroughs in the sector are also getting stronger. With the loss of popularity of internal combustion engines, companies started to make their plans accordingly. The last example of this came from Kalyon Holding. One of the companies of Kalyon Holding, which continues its activities in the field of renewable energy without slowing down, with the dream of leaving a healthier and more livable world to future generations. galleon EVis accelerating its efforts to spread electric vehicles, which are increasingly preferred today with their environmentally friendly feature, to large masses.


Electric vehicle charging network agreement

Galleon EV; Thanks to the ultra-fast charging units to be installed at accessible points all over Turkey, in line with the previously announced target of the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources to create 250 thousand charging points by 2030, the number of electric vehicles will increase rapidly in our country, and the use of fossil fuel vehicles will increase. decrease; thus, it aims to contribute to a cleaner environment for our present and future. The business license obtained by the company covers a period of 49 years. Developments on the subject will continue to be on
